Anti Racism Code

Anti-Racism Code for T20 ICL


The T20 ICL is committed to maintaining a sporting environment free from racism and discrimination. This Anti-Racism Code prohibits any conduct that is discriminatory, harassing, or abusive towards others based on their race, ethnicity, or national origin. This includes, but is not limited to, verbal abuse, gestures, or written statements that may be derogatory or demeaning. Players, officials, and spectators are expected to uphold the spirit of cricket and respect the dignity of all individuals involved in the game.

1.Definition of Racism:

Racism is the belief that one’s own racial or ethnic group is superior to others, and it can manifest in both individual attitudes and institutional practices. It involves prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against individuals or groups based on their racial or ethnic characteristics. Racism can take many forms, including:

– Explicit racism: overt acts of discrimination or hatred
– Implicit racism: unconscious biases or subtle behaviors
– Institutional racism: discriminatory policies or practices within organizations
– Systemic racism: deeply ingrained patterns of inequality in society

Racism can have harmful effects on individuals, communities, and society as a whole, perpetuating inequality, injustice, and social division.

2.Zero Tolerance:

Zero Tolerance is a policy or approach that requires strict enforcement of rules and laws, with no exceptions or leniency. It is often implemented in areas such as law enforcement, education, and workplace settings to address issues like violence, harassment, or substance abuse. The goal of Zero Tolerance is to send a strong message that certain behaviors will not be tolerated and to create a safe and respectful environment.

However, critics argue that Zero Tolerance policies can be overly broad and inflexible, leading to unintended consequences like unfair punishment, racial disparities, and a lack of discretion. In some cases, Zero Tolerance policies have resulted in harsh penalties for minor infractions, damaging relationships between authorities and the communities they serve. As a result, many experts advocate for more nuanced approaches that balance accountability with empathy and understanding.


Responsibilities refer to the obligations and duties that individuals or organizations are expected to fulfill. These can include tasks, roles, and commitments that are essential to maintaining relationships, achieving goals, and upholding standards. Taking responsibility involves being accountable for one’s actions, being reliable and dependable, and being willing to make amends when mistakes are made. Embracing responsibilities demonstrates a sense of ownership, maturity, and integrity, and is essential for building trust, respect, and strong relationships in personal and professional life.

4.Reporting Racism:

Reporting racism is an essential step in addressing and combating discriminatory behavior. If you witness or experience racist incidents, it’s crucial to speak out and report them to the appropriate authorities, such as law enforcement, HR departments, or community organizations. Reporting racism helps to:

– Hold perpetrators accountable for their actions
– Provide support and protection to victims
– Identify patterns and hotspots of racist activity
– Inform policies and initiatives to prevent future incidents
– Create a culture of zero tolerance for racism

When reporting racism, it’s essential to provide as much detail as possible, including dates, times, locations, and descriptions of incidents. You can also report racism anonymously if you fear retribution or backlash. Remember, reporting racism is a vital act of solidarity and a crucial step towards creating a more just and equitable society.

5.Investigation and Penalties:

Investigation is a critical step in addressing allegations of racism, involving a thorough and impartial examination of the facts and evidence. Investigations may be conducted by internal authorities, such as HR departments or management, or by external agencies, like law enforcement or regulatory bodies. A fair and transparent investigation helps to determine the severity of the incident, identify responsible parties, and inform appropriate penalties or disciplinary actions.

Penalties for racism can vary widely depending on the severity of the incident, the context, and the relevant laws or policies. Common penalties include fines, suspension or expulsion, termination of employment, or criminal charges. In addition to these formal penalties, individuals or organizations found guilty of racism may also face reputational damage, loss of public trust, and social ostracism. Effective penalties should aim to hold perpetrators accountable, provide restitution to victims, and deter future incidents of racism.


6.Education And Awareness:

Education and awareness are essential components in combating racism, as they help to dispel misconceptions, challenge biases, and promote empathy and understanding. Educational programs can take many forms, including workshops, training sessions, and curriculum reforms that incorporate diverse perspectives and histories. By learning about the experiences of marginalized communities, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the systemic and institutional barriers that perpetuate racism.

Awareness campaigns, such as social media initiatives, public events, and art exhibitions, can also play a crucial role in highlighting the impact of racism and promoting anti-racist values. By raising awareness and sparking conversations, these efforts can help to create a cultural shift towards greater inclusivity and respect. Furthermore, education and awareness initiatives can empower individuals to become active allies and advocates for change, working to dismantle racism in their own communities and beyond.

7.Support and Resources

Access to support and resources is crucial for individuals and communities affected by racism. This can include counseling services, support groups, and advocacy organizations that provide a safe and welcoming space for people to share their experiences and receive help. Additionally, resources such as hotlines, online forums, and educational materials can offer valuable information and guidance for those navigating racist incidents or systems.

Furthermore, support and resources can also be directed towards empowering marginalized communities and promoting anti-racist work. This can include funding for community initiatives, training programs for educators and professionals, and platforms for amplifying marginalized voices. By providing support and resources, we can work towards creating a more just and equitable society, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.


In conclusion, addressing racism requires a multifaceted approach that involves education and awareness, support and resources, investigation and penalties, and reporting and documentation. By working together to combat racism in all its forms, we can create a society that values diversity, promotes inclusivity, and ensures equal opportunities for all. It is only through collective action and a commitment to anti-racist principles that we can dismantle the systemic barriers that perpetuate racism and build a brighter future for generations to come.

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